Looking for a Job? Here's the new twist on Background Checks

Background checks for new employees is a key component in the hiring process.  It protects employers from poor employee choices and employees from negative forces entering their ranks.  It is critical that this is done and I heartily agree with this aspect of the hiring process.

There is a new twist in the marketplace, however, that you need to be aware of.  According to today's Chicago Tribune, in addition to drug screening some employers are taking the process one step further by requiring genetic testing of new employees.  These tests detect an employee's predisposition to possibly acquiring certain diseases during their lifetime!   Naturally, this has sparked huge legal and ethical debates.   What does this mean?  Do employers now intend to say "your genetic coding reveals a propensity for diabetes or cancer and so we cannot hire you?"  

The law firm Pepper Hamilton recommends that employers stay up to date on federal and state discrimination laws and request written permission from the employee before engaging in such practices.  I recommend that you arm yourself and your loved ones by also staying on top of this controversial new practice and be prepared to protect yourself from this practice.   Remember that it will be on file with the employer into perpetuity.

The potential exists for gross misuse of this type of background check.  What do you think of this new practice?  email me at yvonne@jadcommunication.com and share your thoughts.
