The Yuppies give birth to Yeppies

I've been watching the next generation with great interest for many years. This especially because my son Charles is one of them. I thought I was the only one who noticed that many young people today are idealistic and confused.

A recent intelligence report indicates that the current 20 somethings don't aspire to a job in finance and a BMW in the driveway. Rather, they quit their jobs to go backpacking, are slow to commit to relationships, and are idealistic but confused. more...


U.S. stages massive mock Internet attack - 'Cyber Storm' tests how government would respond to online assault ... from Bloggers?!

First we had to deal with the U.S. spying on citizens and now this? What the Heck is going on? The Constitution gives Americans the right of free speech and bloggin is just one of the ways that we are able to do that.

In fact, because of bloggers many of us American get the truth behind the 'spin' that goes on in every medium in our society. So when I read the AP article about the government checking up on blogers it got me hopping mad! more...
