2015 Proves that Mindfulness, Meditation and Abundance Works

What do you do when your plans are working out exactly as planned? You remain focused and press on. That’s exactly what I did in 2015.

I realize that it’s been awhile since I wrote a blog post and there are many valid reasons for that.  One of the main reasons is that this year my speaking business was abundant with everything I put out into the Universe and set my sights on.

2015 is the year that I committed to daily meditation to set the tone each morning before entering my day. I practiced mindfulness, generosity, and awareness of positivity.

Living in the vortex is very powerful! 

“It Is Not about Controlling Thoughts, It Is about Guiding Thoughts” Esther Hicks

I woke to a snow storm on the morning of a flight to my speaking engagement. There was so much snow that I was unable to pull my luggage along the sidewalk. Returning to my condo I checked on my flight and watched as 1400 flights were cancelled. My flight was not one of them. 

I took a taxi to the airport which was very empty, made my way through TSA and found my gate. It was the only one with people there. We waited and eventually were told they were bringing our plane around. It was in a hanger (garage) close by.  We boarded amidst murmurings that there was a snow storm at our destination as well.

I arrived to no snow, clean roads and checked into my hotel. The snow storm started within half hour of checking in. Yes my attendees did show up the next day. They kept warning me that it would be difficult getting back to Chicago because of the snow.

My plane departed on time and arrived in Chicago to clearly shoveled streets and I arrived home half hour before the snow storm started again.  

Things like this happened all year and I added them all to my 2015 Gratitude list as a reminder.

And that’s just one of the miraculous happenings in 2015.  I achieved my objectives as a professional speaker and reached a BHAG with my business.  

My grand daughter had her 1st birthday and started walking. 

I lived in positivity and abundance in 2015 and I am ending the year with gratitude and positive emotions.  

As we prepare for 2016, I wish you and yours abundance, success, love, and joy for the new year. 

“Success is about a happy life, and a happy life is just a string of happy moments. But most people do not allow the happy moments because they are so busy trying to get a happy life.” Esther Hicks

I also encourage you, if you have not yet created one, to start a Gratitude List and update it frequently. At the end of the year you will again receive blessings as you read through all the wonderful things that manifested in your life.

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