Three People That I Know Changed Their lives For the Better

Personal Growth Stories come to me from everywhere.  Some are about how to change your career and your life for the better. 

At any given moment one will walk right up to me and reveal itself.  That's how this blog post was born. 

That and the fact that in one week, I heard three authentic stories of empowerment and taking control of your own destiny.

I became a Nurse

So, I'm sitting on a bench in the terminal waiting for my train while reading an article titled "Influencing Your Boss."  

A voice said, "Can you really influence your boss?"  

I turned around to find a woman I had never seen before, we got to talking, and here's her story.

For 15 years I volunteered at the hospital across the street for one hour during lunchtime.  I really enjoyed it.  

At age 50+ I was laid off and couldn't get a job even though I was willing to take anything.  I heard the usual excuses, "you're over qualified, you're under qualified, we decided on someone else."

The nurses at the hospital encouraged me to go back to school and become a nurse, so I did.

It only took two years to complete it and today I am doing fulfilling work as a nurse.

I am a graduate I went back to school

I took the train to my workshop and pondered how inspiring Sayed's story was.  The first attendee to arrive started talking to me (unsolicited, mind you) about her journey and here's her story.

I worked in payroll for many years and one day a supervisor encouraged me to get my degree.  She said I was ready for the next level, but it would not happend without a degree.  

The supervisor found tuition reimbursement through the company that I don't have to repay as long as I get A's and B's on my classes.

I have been on the Dean's list for two years and because of my high GPA Phi Beta Kappa Society  and Alpha Beta Gamma society  both contacted me and invited me to join their organizations.  

After being out of school for 27 years, I didn't know if I could do it, and now, anything is possible.

I am a doctor  I am a Doctor

While on LinkedIn, I found a colleague I had lost track of and reached out to her to catch up and here's her story.

Over 50+ and a grandmother, she learned that she had to have hip surgery.  She called our client and was told "take all the time you need and get well soon."  After her recuperation she was told her services were no longer needed.

So she went back to school and earned her PhD.  

Then she started a consultancy called "Positive Outcomes Coaching"  She is also writing a book called "Falling In Love With Yourself" which will be published by the end of this year.  

These three people took control of their own future.  They could just as easily have whined and complained about their lot in life.  Instead, they grabbed for the brass ring and shaped their own destiny.  

How about you?  What are you doing to take control of your own destiny?  Don't hold back!  Go for your dreams!  Like these three women, you too can have your dream come true.

NOTE:  I am compiling stories like this for a new eBook.  If you, or someone you know, has a story like these three, send it to me at Yvonne at YvonneFBrown dot com.

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